More storage space, better overview
Nero DuplicateManager Photo solves your problems quickly and safely
Have you archived your photos for years on your PC and connected devices? Now you realize that you have a fairly large number of duplicate and similar images on your PC that take up valuable storage space? Rest assured that you're not the only one who has this experience.
Put an end to unnecessary picture files

More storage space thanks to DuplicateManager Photo you don't give away expensive storage space any more

More time no more wasting your valuable time on manual searches

Better overview thanks to smart duplicate finder technology (exact, duplicate or similar images)
And here's how it works
Simple, fast and safe
Simply select one or more of your specific cleanup folders and start image recognition.This mode helps you with finding exact duplicates and shows you what you should keep and what you should safely delete, while the similar Image Recognition mode conveniently automatically categorizes your similar images into "Places", "Series", "Motifs", "Resize", "Formats" and more. This makes it extremely easy for you to find, compare and decide which types of similar images you want to keep or delete.
Nero DuplicateManager Photo in comparison


Take the opportunity now and get Nero DuplicateManager Photo for the special price of $29.95 instead of $39.95! Let its organizing skills work for you as you fill your time and hard drive with new memories!